In 2023, the Springfield City Council approved an application to South Dakota Governor’s Office of Economic Development (SD GOED) for the Infrastructure First Project’s Capital Improvement Plan. This opportunity provides for 16 communities to work with ISG Engineering to create a 5-year Capital Improvement Plan in a joint partnership with the Springfield Development Corporation. The City of Springfield was chosen as one of the 16 communities in Spring 2023.
According to the SD GOED, Infrastructure First application, a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a community planning and fiscal management tool used to coordinate the location, timing and financing of capital improvements over a multi-year period – usually 4-6 years. Capital improvements refer to major, non-recurring physical expenditures such as land, buildings, public infrastructure and equipment. The CIP includes a description of proposed capital improvement projects ranked by priority, a year-by-year schedule of expected project funding and an estimate of project costs and financing sources. The CIP is a working document and should be reviewed and updated annually to reflect changing community needs, priorities and funding opportunities. More information on SD GOED’s Infrastructure First Project can be found here.
ISG Engineering has provided a DRAFT report and can be accessed here. The City of Springfield and City Council is asking the public to provide feedback on projects or priorities for 2026-2030. Feedback is best received via mail, drop box or email at