Annual Financial Report Requirements

9-22-21. Annual financial report–Publication–Filing.

The financial officer shall report to the governing body no later than the first regular meeting of May of each year, the receipts, expenses and financial condition of the municipality. The report shall include the amount of funds in the treasury at the time the report is made and where and in what amounts the funds are deposited or invested. The report shall be published in the official newspaper, or any other newspaper as the governing body may direct within thirty days after the report is made to the governing body or on completion of an annual audit. By the last day of May each year the financial officer shall file a copy of the report with the Department of Legislative Audit.

Source: SDC 1939, § 45.1120; SL 1961, ch 248; SL 1974, ch 75; SL 1977, ch 73, § 3; SL 1983, ch 61; SL 1997, ch 50, § 1; SL 2018, ch 53, § 1.

Click here for the 2023 City of Springfield Annual Report